Measurable Training That Pays 3 Ways

Performance – Productivity – Wellness

We deliver custom biofeedback training for salespeople and executives.

Biofeedback technology is 30-years old and potent.  It has matured and is ready to produce outstanding business results.  It works by creating special self-awareness and the capacity for self-regulation.  It is safe, pleasant, interesting.  These benefits are enduring.




Get in The Zone.
Do your best work, much more often.
More fun and efficiency.
Coordinated teamwork.
Less turnover.
Stress makes you sick.
Fewer sick days, symptoms, pills, and insurance costs.

“The Zone” – a state of being:  highly aware … connected … effortless … effective.

Athletes, stage performers, and executives know “The Zone” as a physical-psychological state of super-performance.  A state where your best work, just flows.  You feel alert, focused … totally connected … effortlessly effective.

In sports, The Zone sets records and wins games.  In business, The Zone is where everyone wants to be.  Doing your best work, stress-free, with zest.  You produce peak results and inspire others.

Sales presentations made in The Zone are crisp, compelling, and on-target.  You close more sales, at better margins, while boosting customer loyalty.  Alertness brings organization.  Focus makes follow-through happen.

For executives, The Zone means being alert to priorities, sharper mental focus, more accurate decisions.  The Zone means greater accuracy, empathy, and leadership.

Biofeedback shows you where The Zone is so that you can find it.   Biofeedback training consists of  boosting your awareness of the subtle signals that produce The Zone.  The training increases your ability to self-regulate your physical-mental-emotional state.  When you consolidate this learning, you can find The Zone at will.  You can stay there much more often at work … and in all that you do.

Biofeedback uses various sensors to detect your natural physical-emotional-mental output.  Feeding that signal back is like watching a special mirror.  It shows you what you are producing so that you can alter your output by degrees.  Growing self-awareness means greater self-monitoring.  The trainee is always in complete control.  When shown the goal of each session, employees always choose to obtain inner skills leading to greater performance, productivity, and health.  All these benefits are natural by-products of special self-awareness and a greater capacity for self-regulation of inner states.
