1. Local Professionals
2. Scientific Proof
3. Nay-sayers
4. Professional Groups
1. Local Professionals
Talent I can vouch for:
Dr. Marvin Berman Quietmind Foundation.
Experienced with implementation in the public sector.
Dr. Dominic Greco, NeuroDynamix
Gotten more kids off Ritalin than anybody around.
Dr. Eric Miller
Looking for another school for neurofeedback research.
Rob Kall, FutureHealth
Solid national reputation. Equipment. Runs the Winter Brain Conference.
Dr. Kirtly Thornton chp-neurotherapy
QEEG (brain map) researcher / innovator. See before and after map pictures. An authorized provider to NJ schools.
Dr. Celeste DeBease
A trusted healer.
2. Scientific Proof
Latest statistic:
r=.75 between TOVA score and training time on neurofeedback. TOVA is a continuous performance test. It a standard and reliable indicator of ADD/ADHD. The study says there is a straight correlation of over 1 TOVA point per hour of training. An awesome finding. Extraordinary implications.
3. Nay-Sayers
4. Professional Groups
Psychophysiology & Biofeedback
Neuronal Regulation
Provided my certification in a comprehensive adaptive approach to optimizing central nervous system functioning.